Making the Leap: Jumping Invisible Fences to Build Innovation Networks
01-11-06: Midtown Wednesdays
Last week's forum was lead by Valdis Krebs, Cleveland based software developer and network mapping global guru. Valdis reminds us of the necessity of leaping invisible cognitive fences to accelerate regional innovation and entrepreneurship. Read more here.
We were joined by a diverse (!) crowd representing the creative industries, technology, small business, library sciences, biomedical devices, organizational behavior, media and communications, community development, youth leadership and renewable energy. Entrepreneurs, business leaders, and innovators created an invigorating conversation.
I-Open shared information about new approaches to economic development. The group talked about ideas and next steps to build Second Curve infrastructure for our innovation zone in Midtown.
Forum particpants have begun working on a network map to track new connections in Midtown. Join us next Wednesday to build your networks and be a part of new ventures in the Midtown Innovation Zone.
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