Review of Midtown Wednesday social network map. The MT map shows clusters that are in some cases, connected within but not with other parts of the whole system. As time moves on, collaborative behaviors will present in the map as being more densely connected.

ECity is a model that represents alot of replication and simply stolen ideas from other best practices and models in the country.

Media well covers the poor rate

National Fdn for teaching entrepreneurship - how do we teach new ways for building entrepreneurship in Northeast Ohio?
All kids are taught how to present a business plan (in 70 hours). The program is supported with an alumni program. Students participate in programs discussing ethics, etc.

Then, the question came about: what could this look like if a school was built. If an entrepreneur states what it is they want to do clearly, there are people who will help you and collaborate to share resources. Barbara Bird Bennett suggested a Charter School be started. Excellent Schools (a Google model) located in Boston offered to teach and share best models.

Planning started in 05' to create a great urban school. Through networking, Marshall headed the school by enrolling in the Excellent Schools program, a one year full time program.

What is a Charter School? If you want to start one you need to have an Authorizing Agent. such as a State University or other Nonprofits. E City went to the Cleveland Schools for recommendation.

School days are 10 hours/day and/or more if needed.

How can this model be replicated in other areas of NEO? That is not an easy question to answer...ideas for this are welcome.

Zealous teacher model is what is needed to accelerate and support ongoing scholarship. The goal is to have every child attend a four year college.

In 2000 Marshall started a Charter School with 85 students, no teachers, no parents, only teachers who were mission driven. Curriculum was designed around standards. Can reading and math be standards level? Assessment is constantly leveraged to keep everyone on target. How and where students are performing can be assessed at any time. An effective use of time example is: cuttiing time off in passing from one class to the next.

Standard curriculum is offered morning to 4 PM. The arts and extra help is from 4PM on. All students receive a great amount of positive support for accomplishing good grades and leadership. Head of School works hard at strengthening relationships with parents and students.

Entrepreneurial spirit: persevere, tough leadership, long hours, courage. Students are also required to complete a business plan. A Charter School has the ability to make changes quickly for curriculum and teachers.

Two models are shown in videos. One in

Glenville E 105th St. School to open in August. Lots of individual donors, foundations. What the books and assessements needed? 69 students are signed up.

Charter Funding: is relatively parallel to the public schools. With the difference being $500,000 per year that neds to be raised.

Challenges: to replicate the model and to engage the community to strengthen support for the school. How do you take this school?

Office supplies, furniture, paper and supplies are needed.

Leverage the regional network of colleges and univeristieis: Regional colleges tracking students
There is a need to integrate cognitive science when designing curriculum
Goal: to discover alternate solutions
Currciulum: bike rodeos; healthy lifestyles in Cleveland; career choices; internships: mentoring and business experience
Green industry
E City goal: students create a business plan, then go to college, then start the business in NEO
What is the value of creating free environment with digital access
How can diverse learning styles be addressed in the curriculum?
Identify Midtown entrepreneurs to strengthen new approaches to creating innovative learners
Answer: what does the market need? Team work and individual work styles


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