Social Capital: The Bricks and Mortar of Open Economic Networks

How we behave toward one another to build trust and respect is what builds social capital between people. With trusted connections, information moves freely for innovation.

We call these connections open economic networks.

There is a growing world community studying how we build social capital and its value. Rome's Fabio Sabatini is a node in the global network of social capital research. You can access the Social Capital Portal here.

Here are highlights from this morning's e-update:

• International Conference "Building Stronger Communities: Learnings, Governance, Directions". The Conference will be held in Melbourne, Australia, on July 13-14, 2006. The deadline for paper submission is May 22, 2006. Go.

• Symposium "Democracy and Social Capital: a Czech-American Dialog". The Symposium will take place in Prague on June 1, 2006. Keynote lectures will be held by Eric Uslaner and Petr Mateju. Go.

• International Conference "Poverty Reduction in Conflict and Fragile States: Perspectives from a Household Level". The Conference will be held in Washington DC on November 14-15, 2006. The deadline for submitting a paper is June 12, 2006.

• The service "New Papers on Social Norms & Social Capital" has been activated within the RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) project sponsored by the State University of New York. To receive the report, a free subscription is required at the address go here.

Fabio Sabatini

University of Rome La Sapienza
Department of Public Economics and
SPES Development Studies Research Centre
Via del Castro Laurenziano 9
00161 Rome Italy

University of Cassino
Department of Economics
Località Folcara, Via S.Angelo
03043 Cassino (FR), Italy


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