Play Nice

Here's advance copy to be posted on the Nead Change blog for Monday:

It seems to me and to others who understand that hierarchical systems, dusty political structures and closed networks are irrelevant to building better economic and social communities, that denial is still a powerful force in cities across the country. For many, the saying "You can't put out a raging brush fire if you don't think it exists" is all too relevant. So, what to do? If you're experiencing closed mindedness and hostility from members of your work group, your neighbors, or the community at large, an effective approach is to show them a better way. Be friendly. Be inclusive. Take actions, especially small ones, that create momentum and attract others. Those who resist and deny will have a choice to make: either hop in the boat or be left down stream. Or, if they must, let them build their own boat . I am a newbie to such heady notions as "quality, connected networks" and "open source economic development", but I'm quickly learning that the concept is really quite simple. Provide safe havens for open discussion, allow people to gravitate toward the focus of their discussions (they will anyway), and start taking action. As if by magic (mixed with hard work), change happens and momentum builds. There are many examples of change taking place with the help of people who respect each other, who care about driving positive change, and who see the value of playing nice. You'll know these people when you meet them – there's a glimmer in their eyes, a smile on their face and music in their voice. These are the people I want to spend more of my time on this planet talking and dreaming with.
PS - More information on an open, inclusive approach to creating positive change is at: Be sure to check out Ed Morrison's report titled "Open economic networks build sustainable regional economies." Good stuff.


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